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文档介绍:编号:( )字本科生毕业设计设计题目: 静安寺 2 号基坑设计与施工专题: 施工与基坑事故例析摘要本毕业设计的主要内容是静安寺 2号基坑的设计,包括围护结构设计和施工组织设计两部分。该基坑内净全长 195m ,由北端头井、标准段、南端头井三部分组成。其中,北端头井开挖尺寸为: ×( 长度× 宽度) ;南端头井开挖尺寸为: × ( 长度× 宽度) ;标准段开挖尺寸为: ×( 长度× 宽度) 。基坑开挖深度标准段为 ,南、北端头井为 。。基坑周围已建成建筑物较少,但交通繁忙,基坑施工可能会给基坑周围交通带来一定影响。结构设计主要是围护方案的选择、支撑的布置、结构内力的计算和结构强度的验算。施工组织设计主要是关于车站施工工艺、施工进度的控制以及施工质量控制等。对于静安寺 2号基坑施工的难点和重点是通过地基加固来解决运营地铁 2 #线保护和高架桥墩的保护。其中,地基加固的形式我主要采用的是深层搅拌桩和高压旋喷桩。专题部分,我做的是“施工与基坑事故例析”。在这部分,我主要介绍了基坑事故中的几种施工方面的因素,分析了基坑施工的几点不合理以及可能带来的工程问题等。关键词: 深基坑地下连续墙施工事故 ABSTRACT The content of the design is the design of the Jingansi No 2 excavation pit, which includes construct and construction management design . The excavation pit include three part ,which are the north well ,the south well ,and the normal part. The length of This excavation pit is195 m. The width of the north well m, the length of the north well .The width of the south well m, the length of the south well is depth of both the south well and the north well is width of the normal part is ,the length of the normal part is depth of the normal part is here is only a few of building s around the excavation ,but a lotof traffic .The operations of the excavation will have some influents on the traffic . the c onstruct design includes the choosing of enclose project, the dispose of the support, the calculating of structure internal force and putation of structure intension .The design of construction management includes the construction technics of excavation pit ,the control of construction schedule and the control of construction quantity .For this excavation pit, the difficulty and keystone ishow to reduce infection of the No 2 subway which has already run , and how to protect the viaduct bridge .I use the way of ground stabilization to resolve these problems. The means of the ground stabilization are the Deep mixing pile and the High pressure


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