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The Impact of Chinese Films on American Movies 中国电影对美国电影的影响.doc

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The Impact of Chinese Films on American Movies 中国电影对美国电影的影响.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2017/4/9 文件大小:119 KB


The Impact of Chinese Films on American Movies 中国电影对美国电影的影响.doc



文档介绍:The Impact of Chinese Films on American Movies 中国电影对美国电影的影响 Acknowledgements My sincere gratitude goes to all those teachers of the Foreign Language Department, whose instructive lectures are of great help for pletion of this dissertation. But here I must offer specific thanks to my supervisor, who gave me very helpful guidance and provided extremely ments on the whole draft. I would also express the sincere appreciation to my good friend Jeff Bailey , who helped me find materials related to my dissertation and invite d me to watch movie s and discuss ed about them . That provides great help to my paper. And also thanks to the librarians in the library, they provided great guidance for my material searching. Further more, I’d like to thank all my room m ates , they gave me a good environment and atmosphere of learning. A BSTRACT China isa civilized country with five thousand years ’ history, Chinese culture is having a constant impact on other countries in the world. As in the movie industry, though later developed, Chinese movies do have a great influence on the western movies. This article aims at finding out the history of Chinese movies and how it evolved to have such an influence on Hollywood movies from the newly produced animated movie KungFu Panda. And through the analysis of the famous Chinese KungFu actors, the hero in the movie, and the words related to Chinese KungFu in this movie, it explains how and why Chinese have had the impact on Hollywood. Thus, appeal the whole world to give their attention to Chinese movie industry. KEY WORDS : movie; martial art; KungFu 摘要中国是一个有着上下五千年文明历史的文化大国,中国文化从古到今也在对世界各国各产业产生着不断的影响。在电影方面,中国电影的发展虽然要比西方国家要晚,但是近代却对西方电影产生了一定的影响。本文从中国电影历史出发,抽象出其中较有代表性的中国元素,结合好莱坞最新功夫动画大片《功夫熊猫》,讨论中国电影对美国电影产生的影响。通过对一些具有代表性的功夫明星,《功夫熊猫》中的主角,以及在此电影中出现的与功夫有关的术语的分析,提示了中国电影对美国电影产生影响的方式及原因。从而使社会更加深刻的注意并认识到中国电影在世界舞台中的地位,使以中国电影为代表的中国文化为全世界更为广泛的接受。关键词:电影;武术;功夫 Contents I Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………….1 II The Impact of Chinese Films on America
