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文档介绍:2009 年高考试题—英语听力(北京卷) 1. M: Can you type? W: Yes, about eighty words a minute. I have been working asa typist for fifteen years. M: That ’s great. I can ’t type more than forty-five. 2. W: Which is your favorite TV channel? M: I like to watch the sports channel, ESPN. W: Don ’t you watch any other channels? M: Sometimes I also watch Discovery, History and some news channels. 3. W: Mr. White is fluent in Spanish, and now he is going to learn French. M: I’ ve heard he also knows a little Japanese. 4. M: Was there anything valuable in the missing bag, madam? W: Yes, my purse and my keys. Luckily, I was using my mobile phone at the time. M: Anything else? W: No, nothing else. 5. W: I’d like this textbook, but the cover is damaged. Do you have any other copies? M: If that is the only copy on the self, I’ ll give you a discount. 6 -7 W: What ’s the matter with you? M: I’ ve been having headaches. W: How long have they been bothering you? M: Umm … They started about two months ago. Oh, no. It must be about three months ago. At first, I thought as ifI had flu because I had a running nose and a bit ofa temperature. W: I see. And do the e on at any particular time? M: They are usually worse in the morning, especially during the past two weeks. W: Now let me check if there is anything serious. 8-9 M: Hello, Robert speaking. W: Hi, it’s Emma. I’m glad you ’ re there. It’s about our appointm