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文档介绍:1 Author ’s Biography Victor Hugo was born on the 26th of February, 1802, at Besan?on, where his father, an officer in Moreau ’s army, manding a battalion . His first three years were spent in Corsica; in 1805 his mother took her family to Paris, but rejoined her husband, at Avellino, in South Italy, in 1807. General Hugo, as the father presently became, was appointed a governor in Spain, from which the English under Wellington dislodged himself and his family in 1812. Returning to Paris, Victor was put to school until 1818, when he made up his mind that literature should be his profession. That he was still under classical influences was proved by his first volume, the “ Odes et Po é sies ” of 1822. It gained him a pension from Louis XVIII, and was followed next year by his earliest novel, “ Han d’ Islande. ” The romantic movement now spread to France, and Hugo was one of its earliest adherents; he took the lead in revolt by publishing his “ Odes ” in 1826 and his “ Cromwell ” in 1827. It was in the preface to the latter that his famous formula of the Romantic faith was issued. He first took a place, however, among the leading lyric poets of Europe with his “ Orientales ” of 1829. This was a crowning year in Victor Hugo ’s career; it saw the production of“ Hernani ” and position of“ Marion Delorme ” and “ Le Dernier Jour d’ un Condamn é.” From this time forth his plays, novels, and lyrical poems were poured forth in three parallel and continuous streams. “ Notre-Dame de Paris ” was published on the 2 13th of February, 1831. For the next ten years the life of Victor Hugo was one of continual prosperity and ever-ascending fame . Among his dramas, “ Ruy Blas ” belongs to 1838, and among the collections of his poems “ Les Voix Int é rieures ” to 1837. He was elected to the French Academy in 1841 and created a peer (贵族、凝视,窥视同等) of France in 1845. He had been in sympathy with the Government, but when the Royalists fell and Napoleon arrived on the scene, Victor Hugo becam


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