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上传人:学习一点新东西 2022/5/24 文件大小:739 KB




文档介绍:中国医药导报 年 月第 卷第 期
2022 3 19 7 窑中医l of Traditional Chinese
Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430074, China
Professor Zuo Xinhe has been engaged in the clinical, teaching, and scientific research of thyroid disease
for many years. Professor Zuo thinks that thyroid disease results from emotional dysfunction, qi stagnation, spittoon co鄄
agulation, stasis and stagnant, wet obstruction as the standard, mainly liver and spleen lesions. Triplet herbs is a drug
group between single medicine and prescription agent, composes of three traditional Chinese medicine, and compatibili鄄
ty of drugs has profound significance. Professor Zuo uses triplet herbs opportunely when treating thyroid nodule in clin鄄
ic, and listes 11 pairs of commonly used triplet herbs, such as soothing liver and regulating qi, breaking qi and releas鄄
ing stagnation, cleaning phlegm and dissipating bind, resolving phlegm and dissipating bind, breaking blood to move
stasis, breaking blood and moving qi, fortifying the spleen and disinhibiting water, fortifying the spleen and resolving
phlegm, softening hardness and dissipating bind, replenishing qi and enriching yin, removing toxin and dissipating bind.
This paper summarizes the characteristics of triplet her


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