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文档介绍:Thank You for Not Smoking 多谢不抽之恩 By Heather Wipfli 原文刊载于《外交》杂志网站 https://icles/2015-09-24/thank-you-not-smoking Our modern world is defined by connectivity. Today ’munication tools spread information from the depths of the Amazon to the farthest reaches of Central Asia to New York City within seconds. But works have not, on the whole, led to the standardization of international regulations and norms, which has given rise to ethical and practical dilemmas for panies, governments, and anizations. The international smoking epidemic provides one of the best illustrations of what that means in practice. 现代社会是一个相互连接的社会。今日的传播工具可以在几秒钟内就将信息从亚马逊河底传到最遥远的中亚再传到纽约市。但一般来说, 这些网络工具并没有促进国际法规和规范标准化, 从而使跨国公司, 各国政府和国际组织深陷道德与实践的困境之中。国际烟瘾就是其中最好的一个例子。 The transnational o industry has used trade liberalization, foreign direct investment, and munications to expand its markets to low- and middle-e countries where effective o control programs are not in place. The consequences are staggering. o-related deaths, pletely man-made epidemic, are the leading cause of preventable death in the world. In 2013 alone, o killed nearly six million people. More than five million of those deaths resulted from direct o use, whereas more than 600,000 were the result of nonsmokers being exposed to secondhand smoke. 跨国烟草公司通过自由贸易,对外直接投资和全球传播将市场开拓到中低收入国家。这些国家都还未制定有效的烟草控制方案。调查结果非常令人震惊。烟瘾症完全是人类自己造成的一种流行病, 是世界可预防疾病中主要致死病因。仅在 201