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面向电力设备数字孪生的RF...D传感器与数据传输协议设计 杨帆.pdf

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面向电力设备数字孪生的RF...D传感器与数据传输协议设计 杨帆.pdf

上传人:学习好资料 2022/5/26 文件大小:1.91 MB


面向电力设备数字孪生的RF...D传感器与数据传输协议设计 杨帆.pdf


文档介绍:第 48 卷 第 5 期:1634-1643 高电压技术 , : 1634-1643
2 twin technology of electrical equipment promotes the application of various new
sensing technologies in the power industry, and a stable and clear data cloud channel is urgently needed to provide elec-
trical equipment twins with more in-depth status analysis and fault prediction. For this reason, we developed a dual
antenna radio frequency identification(RFID) acceleration and temperature sensor with metal reflector. Then, we designed
the data package format in the RFID sensor system and the transmission channel, and uploaded sensor data to the Internet
of Things cloud platform via the message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol over a 4G network by way of an
edge gateway. Finally, the OFPSZ-150000/220 transformer was taken as an example for sensor testing and data transfer
protocol application. The results show that the designed data transmission protocol mainly exists in the RFID sensor
channel, with a packet loss rate of % within 2 meters and % at the farthest communication distance of 3 meters.
There is hardly any problem of packet loss in the channel where data pass through the cloud on the edge gateway. The re-
search shows that the designed RFID sensor is practical and


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