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Passage 4   Less than a year ago, a new generation of diet pills seemed t Redux. And an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association last month confirmed earlier report s that both fen-phen and Redux can cause brain damage in lab animals.
  These findings led the New England Journal to publish editorial admonishing doctors to prescribe the drugs only for patients with severe obesity. Meanwhile, FDA asked drug makers to put more explicit warnings on fen-phen and Redux labels. Since mid-July, prescriptions for fen-phen have dropped 56%, and those for Redux 36%, according to IMS America, a pharmaceutical market research firm. All that really does, however, is to bring the numbers down toswheresthey should have been all along. Manufacturers said from the start that their pills offered a short-term therapy for the obese, not for people looking to fitsintosa small e r bathing suit. FDA approved Redux with just such a caveat, and when limited to these patients, the drugs may still make sense-despite the risks-because mor bi d obesity carries its own dangers, including heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Too often, however, Redux and fen-phen were peddled to all comers, almost like candy. The current backlash, says Levine, is a “roller coaster that never should have happened.”


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