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文档介绍:chen su qing chen su qing Dpt. Of Pediatrics Dpt. Of Pediatrics 1st Affiliated Hospital 1st Affiliated Hospital Fujian Medical University Fujian Medical University Measles Measles 麻疹麻疹 Measles is an Measles is an acute respiratory acute respiratory contagious disease contagious disease caused by caused by measles virus measles virus OVERVIEW ( OVERVIEW ( 概述概述) ) ? fever fever 发热发热?? upper respiratory Inflammation upper respiratory Inflammation 上呼吸道炎症上呼吸道炎症?? conjunctivitis conjunctivitis 结合膜炎结合膜炎?? Koplik Koplik ’’ s spots s spots Koplik Koplik ’’s s斑斑?? generalized maculo generalized maculo - - papular rash papular rash 全身性斑丘全身性斑丘?? branny desquamation branny desquamation 脱屑脱屑 brownish discoloration brownish discoloration 色素沉着色素沉着 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW OVERVIEW OVERVIEW ?? Purpose and requirement Purpose and requirement measles virus measles virus 麻疹病毒麻疹病毒?? RNA-containing virus of the RNA-containing virus of the paramyxovirus family paramyxovirus family (副粘病毒) (副粘病毒) ?? only one serotype only one serotype ?? 15 genotypes 6 structure proteins 15 genotypes 6 structure proteins ?? be rapidly inactivated by heat,light , be rapidly inactivated by heat,light , and all kinds of desinfectant and all kinds of desinfectant ( (消毒剂) 消毒剂) ?? be stored indefinitely at low be stored indefinitely at low temperature temperature ETIOLOGY ETIOLOGY electron micrograph electron micrograph (N 、 P) envelop polymerase (L) structure of MV M protein HF ? infectious source infectious source patient patient 患者患者?? infectious route infectious route Droplet infection Droplet infection 飞沫传播飞沫传播 Contract infection Contract infection 接触传播接触传播?? susceptible population susceptible population general susceptibility general susceptibility 普遍易感性普遍易感性