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上传人:wuxilove 2022/5/28 文件大小:22.58 MB





文档介绍:Changsha Xinhe Delta Mixed Use
North Star Real Estate
Preliminary Submission
Au Overall Water Front Elevation, Parcels A1 & D1
Enlarged D1 Elevation
Parcel A1 North Elevation
Option B- Heart Parcel A1 South Elevation
Parcel A1 East Elevation
Option B Deisgn Narrative Parcel A1 West Elevation
Conceptual Process
IIllustrative Landscape Plan, Parcels A1 & D1 Aerial Massing Views
Pedestrian Vignettes
Concept Diagram Character Sketches
Open Space Diagram
Land Use Diagram Parcel A1 Level Plans
Circulation Diagram Parcel D1 Ground Level PlanROCK, RIVER, EARTH AND SKY
All three schemes base their individual expressions on the core principles of RTKL’s vision for the A1 and D1
sites. Our project creates a symbolic extension of the Xiangjiang River through the dynamic interplay of build-
ing forms and landscape. The design solutions connect the entire development to the river and act as the vi-
sual gateway into the entire development. The site becomes the primary focal point for the waterfront skyline
of the Xiangjiang River.
The overall landscape concept connects our site to surrounding sites, and creates a sustainable and green
environment as the next phase of a world-class development. Our design solutions look to create a beacon
for future development on the Xiangjiang River which embraces a new sustainable view of development on
the river. Our design concepts create man-made elements transformed from natural forms such as rock, water,
earth an


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