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Personal Statement
  Program: International Marketing
  As a 23-year-oln management and for its interdisciplinary character, as it encompasses management science, psychology, sociology, statistics, etc. From the very outset of my undergraduate program, I realized the importance of seeking a comprehensive development, on both academic and personal levels, in order to become a senior management professional in the future. Therefore, throughout my undergraduate program, I endeavored to make full exploitation of all the available educational resources of my university to improve my academic performance. An examination of my academic transcript will indicate that I have maintained a year-by-year ascendance in my study. Apart from that, I have also been very active in extracurricular activities and learned German and XX languages besides English. My ability to perform independent research was cultivated and improved through writing my internship treatise and graduation thesis, both of which were given a 95-point score, the highest score in my class. In particular, my thesis On the Marketing of Hi-Tech Products, by focusing on the major business risks involved in the marketing of hi-tech products and on the short and uncertain life cycle of those products, was rated "Excellent" for detailed analyses and novel perspectives that I offered in it.

  The most important part of my undergraduate graduate program is definitely my short but memorable stay in XX. As a junior, I was selected through a competitive screening test to embark on a 4-month exchange program with XX's XX Polytechnic on the strengths of my distinguished academic performance, English proficiency and computer skills. This exciting and memorable experience proved extremely beneficial to me-I gained marked improve