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英语口语初级训练 (lesson 6).docx

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英语口语初级训练 (lesson 6).docx

上传人:zongzong 2022/5/29 文件大小:31 KB


英语口语初级训练 (lesson 6).docx



英语口语初级训练 (lesson 6)
Lesson 6
  Text A
  How to Make Everybody Happy
  Peter's uncle lived inpy. “
  Text B
  What Wonld You Like to Do Tonight?

  Mary's cousins, Fay and Rosemary, are still at her house. The girls want to go to the movies. They look in the newspaper to see what time the movie starts. After seeing the movie, they go to an ice cream parlor and order their favorite desserts. MARY: Girls , what would you like to do tonight?
  ROSEMARY: Do you ever go to the movies?
  MARY: Of course. I often go to the movies. ROSEMARY: Well, let's go to the movies. MARY: There's a good movie near here: “Summer in Maine”FAY: Fine. I heard it's a very good movie. RosEMARY: Let's find out what time it starts. MARY: Let's look at the newspaper. Movie programs are usually on page nine. FAY: Here it is. “Summer in Maine ” starts at 8 o'clock.
  Questions on Text B
   the following conversation once. Underline the key words while reading and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words.
  Fred: If I won the Pools, I'd go round the world. Bert: Would you? I wouldn.'t. Fred: What would you do?
  Bert: Oh, I don't know. I'd buy a big house with a garden for my wife and kids, I suppose. But it's diffic