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上传人:杏杏铺 2022/5/29 文件大小:32 KB





version 01  old persondescribe an old man influenced was did you know 什么不同? 哪里不同?
Famous person Describe a famous person you know You should say: Who he or she is         What he or she done         Why he or she is so famous And explain why you like this person Further question: 1、 你相识哪些名人? 2、 你喜爱哪些体育运动? 3、 你相识哪些体育明星 4、 你的个人爱好是什么? 5、 做过什么有意义的事情 6、 do you want to be famous 7、 how to be famous, and how to be famous in short time for example in 7 days 8、 what do you think about famous person 9、 why do people want to be famous

School Describe a school you studied in when you were children You should say: Which school it is         What kinds of it is         What size it is And explain what you enjoy most during the school time Further question: 1、 说说中国学校的类型 2、 男女分校的好与坏 3、 what do you think of the individual school and the public school(advantage and disadvantage.) 4、 your opinion about single-set school, then say something about teacher such as how to became a good teacher. 5、 What the difficult the teacher will confront, do you think teacher is a good profession?
Photograph (可能是第一局部的问题) Further question: 1、 喜爱照像吗? 2、 都什么时候照? 3、 喜爱看照片吗?哪一种? 4、you like to take photograph in which camera?


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