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文档介绍:H319 内参动力 1102 《维修管理》一、名词解释 1、 Aircraft maintenance : 2、 Line maintenance : line maintenance, refers to according to the airlines operating to provide the work order to the routine inspection of the aircraft and in accordance with the corresponding aircraft and engine maintenance manual and other faults and defects in course of treatment, including change and model aircraft operating in accordance with the minimum equipment list, shape of damage of listing faults and defects. 3、 MSI : Maintenance significant item--An item,determined by the manufacturer, whose failure would either affect safety, would be hidden from the flight crew, or would have an operational or economic impact. (p223) 4、 RII : Required inspection item--Those items that could result in unsafe operation of the aircraft if maintenance is not performed correctly or if improper parts are used. (p223) 5、 Hard time : A primary maintenance process that requires replacement ponent at specific intervals(lifetime). (p215) 二、填空 1、 MSG-3 cause five tasks: Lubrication/Servicing 、 Operation/Visual Check 、 Inspection/Functional check 、 Restoration 、 Dis c ard . (p21) H319 内参动力 1102 2、 MSG-3 logic are applied on four areas: System s /Powerplant 、 Aircraft Structures 、 Zonal Inspections 、 L/HIRF . (p22) 3、 Maintenance costs include airline ’s employees ’ salary and operating expenses .4、 The basic portion of the aircraft maint