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文档介绍:课时计划年9月24日课题 Module 3 unit 1 Have you got any stamps from china? 课时课型目标要求 Knowledge:Learn the new words: stamp, album, collect, America, Canada,coconut and learn the new sentences: what are you doing? I amputting mynew stamps into myalbum. Have you got any stamps from china ?No, Ihaven ’t. Ability :The students can ask and answer with the sentences. Moral: Kown some stamps and collect the stamps from countries. 重点难点 Names ofthe countries, have and has 教学方法教学准备 tape, cards, bag 学情分析由have got 引导的一般疑问句较难,应注意教学环节 Step1. Warmer the poem inpage 9. the words inmodule 2. the names ofcountries according tothe flags orfamous places. Eg. China ,amercia, England, Australia, Canada, France, Japan ….. Step the new words. the words through looking ata picture. Eg: look atthe picture, what ’sthis ?-----It ’ sastamp. And what ’sthis inthe picture?--- Tcoconuts. Isitfrom the America?----No, itisn ’t. Isitfrom the Canada ?--- No, itisn ’t. 老师在多媒体上展示一张有海南岛图案的邮票,让学生观察,老师通过提问的方式来呈现所有的新单词。 stamp, album, collect, America, Canada, coconut. Doyou collect some stamps?-----Yes Ido/ no, Idon ’t. Have you got astamp ablum?----Yes ,Ihave/ no, Ihaven ’t. the students make adialogue or make ainteresting story with the words in groups the rerults. torecite them, and the teacher write them onthe board and have the students read them again sothat remem