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Single LOL Raiders planeswalker - in Ruiz
Browse: 11464
Update: 2012-12-09 07:11. 1 234567 step read 2/4/6/8/10% ruiz. Active: Ruiz to target energy impact caused by 60/85/110/135/160 (+* spell) and added their maximum mana 6. 5% magic damage.
Analysis: the most cost-effective skills in the game, low magic, low CD, high damage, far range. This is the basic skill of Ruiz its damage by mana and improve AP. This is your main farm and harassment skills. With the talent of 9/0/21 and the heart of frost, your -CD is easily 40%.
Glyph of imprisonment [W]: Ruiz imprisoned enemy, so that it cannot move in /1. 5/1. 75 seconds, and cause 60/95/130/165/200 (+0. 6* spell) plus the maximum mana 4. 5% magic damage.
Analysis: This is the core control skills Ruiz, there is hardly any magic action, is the basic hand may control the enemy. When harassing, you can use it to hold the enemy and make him suffer more. At the same time, you can use it to control the opponent's wild heroes when you gank. This ability prevents the other party from flashing, so you can use it to mate with your teammates and continuously control the enemy.
Spell surge [E]: Ruiz cast a magic ball, 400 yards to bounce between the enemy or himself, the most preferred enemy heroes catapult bounce 5 times. Each bounce causes 50/70/90/110/130 (+0. 35* spell strength) spell damage, plus 1% of