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文档介绍:Wild a Wild a n ni im ma a ls ls Made by Zhou Guijun , Zhenjiang Middle School Enjoy a video 1. What can you see in the video? 2. Where do they live? 3. Are they happy? Why? Answer questions Many wild animals. Yes. Because they are free. They live in the wild . [ waild ] adj. 野生的 n. 自然环境、野外[ fri :] adj. 自由的 Story 1 Story 3 Story 2 The wild The wild wild animals wild animals Story 1 petition only live in China giant panda kangaroo bamboo strong back legs strong back legs a pocket for babies a pocket for babies If they play Chinese Kung fu, who If they play Chinese Kung fu, who will be the winner? will be the winner? ['d?ai? nt] [,k?nɡ? 'ru :] bear squirrel big tail big tail walk upright walk upright fish and small animals fish and small animals climbing climbing If there is an apple on the tree, who If there is an apple on the tree, who will get it quickly? will get it quickly? [' skw ? :r?l ] ['t? rt?s] dolphin tortoise If they swim in the water, who will be If they swim in the water, who will be the winner? the winner? live up to 150 live up to 150 jump high jump high ['d? lfin ] elephant tiger walk on tiptoe walk on tiptoe strong dangerous fast strong dangerous fast If they carry things for people, who will be the If they carry things for people, who will be the winner? winner? [d ?? 'r?f] giraffe [ wulf ] wol ves monkey zebra ['z e br? ] [' zi:br ?] bear bear squirrel squirrel tortoise tortoise dolphin dolphin elephant elephant tiger tiger giant panda giant panda kangaroo kangaroo wol f