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上传人:yzhqw888 2022/6/1 文件大小:530 KB





文档介绍:-----朱斌 Simen
A collection of Hubble Space
A collection of Hubble Space Telescope images shows distant super-----朱斌 Simen
A collection of Hubble Space
A collection of Hubble Space Telescope images shows distant supernovas(超新星), the death explosions of massive stars. The top photos show each region before the explosion. The bottom row shows the explosions‘ aftermaths
According to NASA(美国国家航空航天局), "One of Hubble's key duties was to help astronomers determine a precise age for the universe. The telescope helped astronomers accomplish that goal, narrowing the universe‘s age to 13 to 14 billion years old. Astronomers made observations of variable stars [pictured above]—pulsating(跳动) stars used to measure vast distances—in the Virgo(仙女星座) and other clusters to establish the expansion rate and the universe's age."
.According to NASA, “Hubble provided astronomers with a ‘scrapbook‘(剪贴本) full of snapshots(快照) of the early universe … including pictures of the ‘deep’ universe in a series of unique observations: the Hubble Deep Fields, the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey, and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field(哈勃超深空) [pictured above]. The observations provided the deepest views of the cosmos(宇宙) in visible。”
An artist‘s conception shows an alien planet (外天体)orbiting(绕…轨道运行) star HD 209458.
A collection of Hubble space telescope images shows galaxies that host quasars.(宿主星系)
A Hubble Space Telescope image shows “proplyds,” or protoplanetary disks(圆形星盘), in the Orion Nebula. (猎户星座)
Black scars reveal the aftermath of Jupiter‘s(木星) impact with nearly two dozen chunks(碎快) from comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994. The impacts sent towering mushroom-shaped fireballs of hot gas into the Jovian (木星)sky.
Glowing(发光) in vibrant (跳跃的)colors, planetary nebulae(行星状星云), such as this one, represent the death rattles of dying stars. These nebulae, which are not technically related to planets, are gas clouds forced outward by a dying star. Ac


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