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文档介绍:英语辩论总结陈词英语辩论开篇陈词英语辩论赛总结陈词英语辩论总结怎么说英语辩论正反总结用语篇一:英语辩论正方总结陈词 Which teaching and learning style is more beneficial to college students, student-centered or teacher-centered? For summary, we do believe that student-centered style is more beneficial to our study. As mentioned above, the college learning method is totally different and unique. We have to do all the staff ourselves and think on our own, which means we college students need more freedom. In addition, this very style has a lot of advantages, for example, it brings us creativity, practical mind and curiosity. In conclusion, the student-centered style is what we actually need. Is ita good idea for a young couple to live together with parents after marriage? For summary, we do believe that it is definitely a good idea for a young couple to live together with their parents. To start with, that is really a wonderful way to care for the parents and share the sweet love with them. Only if we live together can we and our parents help each other. That will do good to the family life. Secondly, as what Confucius told us, we should never be far away from the parents. That is what we call Filial Duty. In addition, any trouble could be solved if we like to. So it is obvious that the advantages are more dominant. Is ita good choice for college graduates to start their own business when it is hard to hunt a satisfactory job? For summary, we do believe that it isa definitely a wonderful idea for graduates to start their own business instead of hunting job. Because that is an effective way to accelerate the economy and improve our society. Starting own business can give usa chance to dig out our capacity and improve ourselves. Though there isa lot of risk, we still need to fight for that and that will be our direct path to ess. And our government encourages graduates to start own business asa power to our development. There are many current policies we can apply. In this way, it isa good shot to start own business. Should the