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文档介绍:消防安全宝典 50 条(Fire safety collection 50)
to find a fire alarm, alarm early, small loss. Our fire alarm phone number is 11l institutions of public security organs
encountered fire truck or to carry out the rescue mission, social vehicles and pedestrians should pull over to
smoking should pay attention to not lying in bed or on the couch smoking, do not throw cigarette butts
the cigarette center temperature is 700-800 DEG C, it is more than cotton, hemp, wool fabric, paper, furniture and other fuel burning. If the cigarette butts, exposure to these combustible, easy to cause fire.
interior decoration is made of polyurethane foam
buy fireworks, should buy qualified products in the formal point of sale
children's fireworks, the correct approach is cared by adults, to specify the location of the discharge of fireworks
use the fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher nozzle should be aimed at the root of the flame
use the fire extinguisher to the best position is from a fire extinguishing 3~5 meters upwind and crosswind position
electric irons are household appliances used in family life. Ironing clothes, something to leave for a while, not out the power plug of the electric iron is wrong
fire fighting stage is most favorable to fire early stage
to nip in the bud, should develop evacuation plans and conduct exercises with family, residential building safety and design the best


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