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文档介绍:消防安全手抄报资料(Conduct fire safety)
electrical fire, can not be put out with water, not wet goods available to cover up. Watht,
7. , in the case of certainty, to tear the sheets and so on), and then slide down the rope
you can rope (also can be used a head tied to the window frame, to the ground.
when escaping. Try to take protective measures, such as covering your nose and mouth with a wet towel and wrapping your body with wet clothing.
9. if his clothes on fire, you can quickly take off clothes, or in situ rolling, with body pressure to extinguish, also jumped into the pool, near the river, the body on fire, in short to minimize body burn area, reduce the degree of burn.
10. when the fire occurs, often produce toxic and harmful gases on the human body, so to prevent smoke poison, should choose to stay upwind or wet towel or mask protect mouth and nose and eyes, and avoid the poisonous and harmful smoke.
Fire escape self rescue ten methods
First, to understand and familiar with the environment. When you enter public places such as shopping malls, hotels, restaurants, dance halls and so on, you should pay attention to the location of fire doors, safety exits and fire extinguishers, so as to evacuate and extinguish the fire in case of accidents.
Two, evacuate quickly. Once you hear a fire alarm or be aware of being trapped by fire, evacuate immediately.
Three protect the


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