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文档介绍:清楚认识狼疮性肾炎(Lupus nephritis)
Lupus nephritis
[]the etiology and mechanism of anti dsDNA antibody and the corresponding arescence.
[clinical manifestations] the extra renal manifestations are detailed in chapter SLE. When the kidney is involved, the urine is abnormal. With the development of the course of disease, a large number of proteinuria and hematuria, various types of urinary urine and blood stasis, renal hypertension, etc., and uremia occur in the late stage. The clinical manifestation can be chronic nephritis type or nephrotic syndrome type, or even acute nephritis type.
[laboratory and other tests] see Chapter SLE. Urine routine examination is very important. The increase and decrease of urine protein and red blood cell are closely related to LN activity and relief. Renal biopsy is valuable in diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Renal tissue showed active lesions, while those with less chronic lesions often responded well to immunosuppressive treatment and had better prognosis. On the contrary, the treatment response was poor and the prognosis was poor. The activity of renal tissue lesions: 1 cell hyperplasia: T cell infiltration; the fibrinoid necrosis, nuclear rupture: the cellular crescents: the transparent platinum ear: the thrombosis, renal tubular interstitial mononuclear cell infiltration. The chronic lesions were: glomerulosclerosis: fibrous Crescent: inters


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