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上传人:才艺人生 2022/6/5 文件大小:1.60 MB




Unit 1 a time to remember
A: Oh, i'm really sorry. Are you ok?
B: I'm fine. But Iess the weather and my family are t
he things i the quality of life,the quality of life is much nicer back home,frankly speaking.
A:Hey,are these pictures of you when you were a kid?
B:Yeah,that's me in front of my uncle's beach i was a kid,we used to spend two weeks there every summer.
A: Wow, i bet that was fun.
B:Yeah,we always had a great day we used to get up early and walk along the had a great shell fact,I think it's still up in the attic.
A:Hey,I used to collect shells too when i was a kid,but my parents threw them out.
A:You know what I remember the most about growing up?
A:Visiting my grandparents' know,on holidays and lived way out in the country and my grand
dad had a horse named taught me how to just love that horse and she loved me used to really enjoy spending time at my grandparents' everytime I came back,blacky remembered me.
B: Oh, memories!
Unit 2 Caught in the rush
A: Why is there never a bus when you want one?
B: Good question. There aren't enough buses on this route.
A: Sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the paper.
B: Good should say that we need more subway lines too.
A: Yeah, there should be more public transportation in general.
B: And fewer cars, there’s
too much traffic.
A: Say, is that our bus coming.
B: Yes it is,but look,it's full.
A: Oh no, let’s go and get a cup of coffee, we can talk about this letter i'm going to write.
A:So are you really going to write a letter to the paper?
B:Sure,I'm going to say something about the are too old,we need more modern buses,nice air conditioned ones.
A: And they need to put more buses on the road.
B: there are too many cars downtown, and there is