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()24. That is Beckham. He was born ________ 1975。 
  A. atﻩﻩB。 on ﻩC。 in D。 to
()25。 -Let’s ________ fruit salad for lunch.
-OK, good idea。
   A. go ﻩB。 make ﻩC。 doﻩ D。 get
()26. Class 9 had a great time on the school trip。 They were very ______.
  A. sad ﻩB. clever ﻩC。 sorryﻩﻩD。 happy
()27. -What did you do last Sunday?
-We ______ many photos at the park。
    A. takeﻩ B. takesﻩﻩC. took D。 taking
()28. -What do you want to do for vacation?
-I _______ my grandmother。
   A。 visit ﻩB. am going to visit C。 visited D。 visiting
()29. Eliza won the first prize. She played _______ beautiful piano piece。 
A. aﻩ B。 anﻩ C. the D. 不填
()30。 All the movie theaters are good, but the ScreenCity is _______ in our town.
A。 goodﻩ B. better C。 a best ﻩD. the best
()31. Uncle Martin held a yard sale。 But ______ one came because the weather was so bad.
  A。 someﻩ B。 every ﻩC。 anyﻩ D。 no
()32. -I have a toothache.
-Maybe you should see a _______。
   A。 dentistﻩ B。 friendﻩ C。 driverﻩ D. pilot
()33。 It is much _____ today than yesterday。 I need to put on my coat.
A. coldﻩ B. warm ﻩC。 colder D. warmer
()34. -How can you do your homework _______ the music is so loud? 
-Well, I’ll turn it off.
  A。 becauseﻩﻩB。 when