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Measures for the Administration of Circulation of Rural Land Operating Rights
Issuing authoon Rural Land for Agricultural Operations and other laws and related regulations.
Article 2 For the circulation of land operating rights, the basic system of collective ownership of rural land by farmers and usufructs of rural households for agricultural operations shall be upheld, the relationships of usufructs on rural land shall maintain stable and unchanged for a long time, the principles of compliance with the law, voluntariness, and onerousness shall be followed, and any organization or individual shall not force or obstruct the circulation of land operating rights by usufructuaries.
Article 3 The circulation of land operating rights shall neither injure the lawful rights and interests of rural collective economic organizations and interested parties, nor damage the comprehensive agricultural production capacity and the agricultural ecology and environment, nor change the nature of ownership and agricultural use of land subject to a usufruct, and shall ensure the use of rural land for agricultural purpose and first for grain production, stop the use of arable land for non-agricultural purpose, and prevent the use of arable land for non-grain production purpose.
Article 4 The circulation of land operating rights shall be effectuated based on local conditions, step by step, by a controlled degree of circulation, concentration, and large-scale operations; the scale of circulation shall be commensurate with the urbanization process and the scale of rural labor migration, with the progress in agricultural science and technology and the degree of improvement in production methods, and with the improvement of the level of agricultural socialization services; and all regions shall be encouraged to establish various forms of risk prevention and guarantee mechanisms for circulation of land operating rights.
Article 5 The Ministry of Agriculture and


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