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文档介绍:燃气热水器安装(Installation of gas water heater)
Where is the gas water heater installed?
Recommended answer
07-12 01:16 as ate from the bathroom door. Two: smoke pipe must lead to outdoor. Three: gas water heater to the outdoor smoke pipe shall not exceed two meters.
Precautions for installation of gas water heaters
quality problems: the user's home gas source must be consistent with the gas stove applicable temperament (product packaging box, nameplate are described), can not mix.
the installation position of the water heater installation is prohibited in the closed room, should be installed in a well ventilated and the volume is greater than 7. 5m3 in the room, because the water heater used to consume a large amount of oxygen in the room, so when the water heater works should be not less than 200cm2 of the inlet channel: do not install in a strong wind can blow to the place, otherwise the burner flame is extinguished or incomplete combustion: water heater to prohibit the installation of outdoors, because of the wind, the rain will extinguish the flames, and in the winter due to freezing damage to appliances : away from the stove, flammable and hazardous materials, water heater and gas meter, the level of net distance of gas stove water heater must be not less than 300mm; installed in the convenient operation and maintenance, is not easy to collide and place space width before
