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文档介绍:狂躁症的病因(The cause of mania)
The cause of mania
Sleep characteristics in manic patients : sleep characteristics in manicsleep, no improvement is to consider the use of hypnotic drugs.
Indeed mania, there are more and more high, the prevention and treatment of mania has increasingly become the focus of attention, the cause of mania is not clear, but there are some mania in the medical community on the etiological hypothesis:
adrenergic system dysfunction, Schildkraudt and Davis et al (1965) found that manic depressive psychosis patients have central noradrenergic (NE) dysfunction. The number of NE receptor sites in manic patients increases accordingly, causing NE to function systematically. Laboratory examination revealed that of patients with manic type had a urinary output of 3 methoxy 1, 4 and 1 hydroxy ethylene glycol (ethylene glycol). The final metabolite of NE MHPG and 3 methoxy 4 hydroxy mandelic acid (VMA), and 80% MHPG from the center, so the laboratory may see instructions from the central NE mania caused by system dysfunction
abnormal electrolyte metabolism during the manic episode can be seen from the ability to discharge intracellular sodium is impaired: during depression, the ability to transport sodium from the blood to cerebrospinal fluid is decreased. As the disease improves, the abnormality gradually returns.
a variety of amine metabolic disorder hypothesi


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