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文档介绍:20 世纪福克斯(Twentieth Century Fawkes)
Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
medical aircraft
Twentieth Century For Filmsition compared, making movies is only second bits. William Fox was Hollywood's first vertically operated film tycoon, with a full range of production, distribution and screening. In 1917, William Fox was attracted by California's abundant sunshine and low production costs, and also opened a production section on the West coast. In 1926, Fox Film Co bought 300 acres of land in Hollywood, Beverly, Shanxi, and built a large and state-of-the-art studio. During this period, Fawkes produced Oscar's best film, "seventh heaven" and "angel of the road”, as well as the sound film "old Arizona”. In 1927, when Markus Roy, the old rival, died, William Fox had an excellent time, because Markus Roy
, s family had no intention of inheriting his career. William Fox and Markus Roy, s family settled, they bought the hands of the Lloyd company's shares, the company not only has more than 200 cinemas, or MGM's parent company,
The new company was proclaimed in 1929, however, MGM's helm Louis Meyer was angered by the acquisition, he fought back, using his political influence, promote the Justice Department of the Fox Film Co launched an antitrust investigation. Even worse, William Fox was injured in a car accident, and the Great Depression left most of his fortune in the air. Wil