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When earth gives our life , it also gives us different colors. Different colors give us different life. Coent, dangerous and so on. For example, see red means somebody become suddenly enraged; red-handed shows that somebody in or just after the act of committing a crime;when somewhere is danger, there will be warned with red light.
Nowadays, referring to white, many people will associate pureness with it both in East and West. But in ancient times, white had different meaning between East and West.
In traditional China,people often made a connecting between white and solemness. Why? In ancient China,autumn was regarded as sorrow and seriousness for all things was wither and fall in that time,so autumn also called 素秋 in China. In addition, the ancient punishment of behead was carried out after the autumn. People think white was unlucky and it stands for death. So the funeral also called 白事 in China. In modern times,white had a connection with political power in China and it fight against the red political power and revolution. There are many phrases appeared on that years, like 白区,白匪,白色恐 '怖 and so on. These phrases are negative and they are different with the red political power.
But in West, white symbolized virginal and frank. In west wedding, the bride must wear white wedding dress. Because it can showing marriage is holy. And it also shows the emotion


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