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文档介绍:秘制麻辣烫配方(Secret recipe for hot pepper)
白寇(25元/斤;用量:一只手的大半把);香砂(6元/斤;用量:一 只手的大半把)桂皮(8元/斤;用量:折成小段,一只手的大半把); 小茴香(6元/斤;用量:一只 Sichuan Pixian bottled oil bean sauce to do: when buying the bag on the line)
fried aniseed process:
1 first before a match three days of consumption, divided into three: (because before a match is three days, now only fried day feed can, if your ingredients, with only a day, that will not have points).
2 wok stir, first add butter 400 grams boil, add 300 grams of salad oil, burn 7-8 heat, then add 2. 2 fried incense accessories.
3 add 2. 1 aniseed stir fry fragrant, (frying this step is not in fact what process, basically the same daily home cooking, but also do not have the aniseed fried paste)
soup process
1 in stainless steel barrels (choose 35 cm in diameter, stainless steel barrel, 38-40 cm deep this barrel can hold about 25 kilograms of water within the first 2. 3 or so) to increase fresh materials : barrel filled with water with the torch soup soup (open process, pay attention to put a layer of foam on the surface of soup left in addition, if you want to taste a little more fresh soup, soup boil, can be converted into appropriate fire boil for a while), add 2. 4 soup materials and fried aniseed, with a small fire to boil, probably need about half an hour.
With 4. 2 mesh strainer to boil good soup and aniseed separately, soup into another barrel