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n the heart of each one of us, had a talking grandfather also started talking, they hold the microphone, sang a strong ethnic flavor hometown song, local song, although we do not understand, but still can see they are very happy, very happy. We also divided the group and each man to talk, I and Zeng Wei a group, and a eighty-eight year old grandmother talk. From her conversation, we understand, her son is now in the field, there is no time to accompany her, and do not trust her, put the old granny in the nursing home. And we also know that, the old grandma and Zeng Wei was fellow villagers, village! Know its friends from home, grandma is tears. I saw her moving expression, you have touched. We each visiting lying in the ward for the elderly, is close to the five point, we also should go home. Although a bit tired, but hear the nursing home aunts that old people have a long time not so happy, we make the grandfather, grandmother who is so happy. We cannot fatigue, how hard, also think is should. In this action, I deeply feel the power of love is so great, it can make old people feel happy, also can make one happy. He can give people bring out a love, make them feel cared for them, more important is to let them feel the warmth, comfort and love.

How to take care of the disabled people?
Disabled people are normal people,except that they can not see as much as we can,or they can not walk as fast as we can.
Since they can not see as much,or they can not walk as fast,they need our help.
We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them,for instance,
Each student finds some one to help,in the neighborhood or the can help them to cross the can help push


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