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文档介绍:Three-dimensional reconstruction of urogenital tract from Visible Korean Human
1. preface
2. Objective
3. Materialent an interactive three dimensional (3D) model of the male urogenital tract.
In order to achieve this purpose, the urogenital tract and adjacent anatomical structures were divided into its different parts on anatomical images of the Visible Korean Human (VKH) and then arranged in a pile to build a 3D vector-based model.
Materials and methods
precise segmented images were made on the basis of serially sectioned anatomical images of human body. The advantage of this data set, compared with computed tomographs or magnetic resonance images, is that all anatomical structures are clearly visible.[1]
Visible Korean Human(VKH)data set.
(for the following reasons):
 the VKH included an intact urogenital tract in man of 33 years of age.[7](figure 3)
 the VKH included a male subject with precise body contour and position. [6]
(figure 2)
 the VKH included high-quality anatomical images. [8] (figure 4)
 the VKH already included segmented images.[6,9]
SURFdriver software. [2-5](figure 1)
We used the anatomical and segmented images of the VKH from kidneys to VKH of the entire body included 8,590 anatomical images with mm them, we selected the images from top of the left kidney to bottom of the testes; as a result, 2,200 images (numbers,2,601 to 4,800)of anatomical images were prepared. Successively, we selected every five slice; as a result, 440 images(numbers:2,605,2,610,2,615……4,800)of anatomical and segmented images with 1 mm intervals were prepared.
Three-dimensional images of the urogenital tract and adjacent anatomical structures, which are displayed opaquely with exception of the semitransparent urinary bladder and prostate. 1, right kidney; 2, left kidney; 3, right ureter; 4, left ureter; 5, urinary bladder (inner and outer boundaries); 6, prostate; 7, left seminal vesicle; 8, uret


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