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上传人:蓝天 2022/6/8 文件大小:84 KB





文档介绍:给咨询员新人的点滴建议(Give advice to the consultant)
At midnight, my proposal was a bit vague. I'd like to add something. I hope active" learning methods, to PubMed is very helpful, in fact, from a single review, feel too difficult, too clean and lonely, it seems that this sentence is very reasonable. So specifically, PubMed is a contest of perseverance, two people together to learn or more people work together, help each other to give encouragement, can cross belt, make up a initiative or weakening or loss of feeling, people can not continue to maintain a strong enterprising spirit, so this "paragraph" the gap can make up in time. It seems like war, lone soldiers die, fall and live double miracle.
On the "emotional problems”, is the relationship between male and female friends, hope to work together, but it seems sometimes entertainment component is too strong, a lot of boys and little girls hope to find a partner, is the best partner, so all of this is involved in emotional problems.
The "life”, some people are living in the bedroom, may be more noisy: people live outside, although pure, but life all need to take care of their own, as if the feeling is "a person living is not so good trouble ah, " these involves life the problem.
Generally speaking, it is easier to reach the second step, and then there is no need to dig deeper. For the new, my advice is that they will be able to th


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