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上传人:蓝天 2022/6/8 文件大小:82 KB




文档介绍:股市谚语,整理(Stock market proverb, tidy up)
Rebound is not the bottom,
The bottom doesn't bounce.
Should fall or fall, sho股市谚语,整理(Stock market proverb, tidy up)
Rebound is not the bottom,
The bottom doesn't bounce.
Should fall or fall, should be bullish
The rise is not up, should be bearish.
See price days after the seer,
See the price after the foresight measures.
Volume stagflation will fall.
Bulls don't die.
The market came out of desperation,
End in madness.
The risk is up,
Opportunity falls out.
Greed, I fear,
All fear, I am greedy.
Long disk will drop.
Hu Liyang stocks famous saying
, do not listen to "friends and relatives”, they will only make you "ordinary people.,,,r.
don't just z/study hard”. It's important to read the book”.
, don't just work hard. It's important to do the right job”.
, do not instruct friends who are like-minded, or you will only see half of the world.
do not indicate "for promotion to remain in a proper sphere”, "magic like checkers”.
do not indicate z/ready opportunities”, "active manufacturing opportunity" to The early bird catches.
don't think that money doesn't fall from the sky. You just have to stand in the right place.
8., don't just think positive, reverse thinking, and abnormal people can be successful.
9. , in the stock market, others because of nervous and committed every mistake, are in the hard work for you accu
