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文档介绍:背四级单词方法(Recite the four word method)
How can I memorize so many words in these three months?
The most important thing e to find a dictionary that contains only words you want to recite. In addition, it is better to have explanations and examples in english. And there must be phonetic symbols! If you want to test TOFEL or GRE, pay attention to the dictionary of beauty phonetics and phonetic symbols. The vocabulary behind the text of the general textbook is prepared for the good students who listen carefully to the lecture. Do not go back to those things if you want to take shortcuts.
Back dictionary, press the initial letters (Z, Y, X, Q, J, K, U) (V, W, N, 0, L) (FG, IT, HM, BDE, R) (C, P, S, A) in the order of back, which C, P, S, A, each of which is divided into three parts back. In this way, the back has several advantages: (1) increase the sense of achievement and increase interest. As for why, you are looking through the dictionary to understand, (two) it is easy to know clearly that the words have been memorized and those have not been memorized, (three) you can master the most basic words first. Thirty thousand words are divided into three grades: three thousand to four thousand, eight thousand to ten thousand, and twenty-two thousand to thirty thousand. That is to say, you have to prepare three dictionaries separately. Each of these levels has very different characte


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