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自适应高斯融合双通道的去雾算法 杨燕.pdf

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自适应高斯融合双通道的去雾算法 杨燕.pdf

上传人:好好用文档 2022/6/8 文件大小:1.07 MB


自适应高斯融合双通道的去雾算法 杨燕.pdf



文档介绍:: .
中图分类号: 文献标识码:A
Adaptive Gaussian fusion double channel dehazing algorithm
YANG Yan1* LI Xiang1 ZHANG Wenbo1 WANG Zhiwei2
( of Electronic and Information Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University; Grid Lanzhou
Electric Power Supply Company, Lanzhou 730070, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problems of incomplete dehazing and color distortion in the traditional image dehazing
algorithm, a dehazing algorithm based on double channel with adaptive Gaussian fusion is proposed. First,
considering that the atmospheric light should be less than the maximum value of the foggy image and greater than
the minimum value of the foggy image, the fusion middle channel is obtained according to the method of adaptive
control of the brightness control factor, and the local atmospheric light under the middle channel is obtained.
Secondly, the double channel linear transmission is proposed, that is, the maximum channel is used to assist in the
linear transformation, and then the Gaussian function weighted fusion method is used to realize the optimal
channel estimation of the clear image, thereby obtaining the optimal transmission. Finally, the clear image is
restored by combining the restoration model. Experiments show that the proposed method effectively solves the
problems of image contrast decreases and color shift, with good dehazing effect, suitable brightness and higher
color fidelity. In addition, the