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文档介绍:必修 1 核心单词 1. add vt.& vi. 增加;加;加起来;补充说; 又说常用结构: add to 增添;增加;增进 add ...to ...把……增添到…… add up 合计,相加 add up to 总数为;总计为 He added some wood to increase the fire. 他添了一些木柴,使火更旺些。 If you add 4 to3 you get 7. 四加三得七。 Unit 1 Friendship Page Page ①解析:选 C 。考查动词辨析。句意为:我要说的就是这些, 约翰你还有什么要补充的吗? ②解析:选 D。 add to 的意思是“添加到”。 2. upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.( upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦;打翻;打乱联想拓展 be upset by... 被……打乱 upset oneself about sth. 为某事烦恼 Our arrangements for the weekend were upset by her visit. 她一来把我们周末的安排给打乱了。 Don ’t upset yourself — no harm has been done. 不要难过——并没有造成任何伤害。 He was horribly upset over her illness. 他为她的病而忧心忡忡。 The students really upset her. 学生们着实让她烦恼。高手过招用 upset 的适当形式填空(原创) ① The food my stomach. ② She felt rather on hearing the news. ③ Is it an message? ④ Don ’t be. It will be OK. ① upset ② upset ③ upsetting ④ upset 3. ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视 I said hello to her, but she ignored pletely. 我向她打招呼,可是她根本不理我。 He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast. 他不顾时速限制,把车开得飞快。联想拓展 ignorant adj. ( 对某事物)不了解的;无知的;无学识的 be ignorant of/about sth. 不知道;没有意识到 ignorance n. 无知;愚昧;不知道 be in ignorance of/about sth. 不知道某事易混辨析 ignore/neglect/overlook ignore 通常指有意不顾,或不理会显而易见的事物。 neglect 侧重指有意的忽略或忽视,也可指粗心与疏忽。 overlook 指因匆忙而疏忽或视而不见。高手过招(1 )用 ignore/neglect/overlook 的适当形式填空(原创) ① We could not afford to such a serious offence. ② He utterly my warnings and met with an accident. ③ Don ’t to pay him a visit now and then. (1) ① overlook ② ignored ③ neglect (2 )单项填空— So you didn ’t say hello to him last night? — Well, I stopped and smiled when I saw him, but he me and walked on. ( 2010 · 杭州一模) A. Ignored B. refused C. denied D. missed Page (2) 解析:选 A 。答句句意为:我看到他就停下来冲他微笑,但是他没理我就走了。 ignore 不理睬,忽视; refuse 拒绝; deny 否认, 拒绝给予; miss 怀念,错过。 4. concern n.[U ]关心,担心,担忧;[C ]有利害关系的事 vt. 涉及,关系到,参与;使担心联想拓展 concerning prep. 关于 concerned adj. 有关的;担心的 concern sb. 与某人有关 be concerned with sth. 牵涉,与……有关;参与 concern oneself with 关心 be concerned about/for/over sth. 担心;关心某事 as/so far as ... be concerned 关于;至于;就……而言