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通知,是向特定受文对象告知或转达有关事项或文件,让对象知道或执行的公文。 On the New Year's day holiday of 2022, we would like to extend our英语放假通知
通知,是向特定受文对象告知或转达有关事项或文件,让对象知道或执行的公文。 On the New Year's day holiday of 2022, we would like to extend our festive greetings to all staff. In order to pass the holiday of happiness, peace and peace, we remind the staff of the following points: First, all departments should organize a security check before the festival, conduct comprehensive security self-inspection, and eliminate all security risks. Includes: the room that does not leave a person to lock the door window, unused equipment should cut off power; The continuous use of equipment shall be assigned to the duty of the special person to ensure the use of safety; Important articles should be kept in good care. 2. A security education is held for the staff on duty. Education attendants are on duty to observe the company system and improve safety awareness. Third, the departments shall strengthen the management of the warehouse articles before the festival, and strictly implement the regulations on the management of the warehousing. Iv. Do a good job in vehicle safety management and strictly examine and approve festive vehicles. The driver should obey the traffic rules and pay attention to the safety of the driving. Driving under the influence of drunken driving, fatigue driving and overspeed


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