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文档介绍:Che la morte ti dia la pace che in pace (May death provide the peace you sought,rest in peace) 愿死亡给你带来平静,安息吧 i'll make you suffer,i decide who live or die 我会让你痛苦,我决定生或死 Nothing is true, everything is permitted 没有什么是真的,一切都是允许的 Mario : No thing is ture ,and every thing is permitted , these are the words spoken by our ancestors that lay at the heart of our creed. 万物皆虚,万事皆允。(直译:没有什么是真实的,一切都是被允许的) 这是我们的祖先说过的,它们奠定了我们信仰的核心。 presenter : when other men blindly follow the truth , remember 当其他人盲目的追寻真相的时候, 记住-- Ezio : Nothing is ture 万物皆虚 presenter : when other men are limited by of laws , remember 当其他的人受到道德和法律的限制,记住-- Ezio : Everything is permitted. 万事皆允 presenter : We work in the dark and serve the lights,we are assassins. 我们在黑暗中工作, 为光明服务,我们,是刺客。 When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see have time, but I did not know have love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. 当我仍然年轻时, 我拥有自由, 但我未窥探到它, 但我未意识到它, 我曾有时间, 但我却没感觉到它,还有我也拥有爱. 数十载逝去,我才了解这三者的意义 When other men blindly follow the truth,remember...Nothing is true. When other men are limited,by morality or law,remember...Everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the are assassins. Nothing is true,everything is permitted. 其他人盲目的追求真相,记住……没有什么是真实的。当其他人是有限的,在道德和法律, 一切是被允许的。我们在黑暗中工作服务的光。我们是刺客。没有什么是真的, 一切都是被允许的。 When other men blindly


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