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文档介绍:The Shawshank Redemption
One of the Best Movies I've Ever Seen
The Original And The Author
Driving Miss Daisy and 1994's
"The Shawshank Redemption" and the
Oscar-nominated three times.
3. 2005 by virtue of the "Million Dollar Baby" 77th Oscar Best Supporting Actor Award
4. Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010 in USA
Frank Darabont
<1> Biography
Born January 28,
France. Moving to Chicago in his childhood .
When he grow up, he go to Hollywood. 1994 "The Shawshank (Shawshank Redemption) for its first wrote and directed the film, a gun and red.
<2> Artistic achievement
194 "The Shawshank (Shawshank Redemption) Won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay nomination. 1999 "The Green Mile" by its director and producer, won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Picture nomination again.
Box office:$28,341,469
Academy Awards, USA 1995 /Best Picture
Academy Awards, USA 1995 / Best Actor in a Leading Role
Academy Awards, USA 1995 Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Academy Awards, USA 1995 / Best Cinematography
Academy Awards, USA 1995 / Best Film Editing Richard Francis-Bruce
Academy Awards, USA 1995 / Best Sound Robert J. Litt
Academy Awards, USA 1995 / Best Sound Elliot Tyson
Academy Awards, USA 1995 / Best Sound Michael Herbick
Academy Awards, USA 1995 /Best Sound Willie D. Burton
Academy Awards, USA 1995 / Best Music, Song
Golden Globes, USA 1995 / Best Screenplay - Motion Picture
Golden Globes, USA 1995 / Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
WGA Award /Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
Actor /Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
Award of the Japanese Academy /Best Foreign Film
Saturn Award /Best Writing
Directors Guild of America /Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Motion Pictures
American Cinema Editors /Best Edited F


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