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文档介绍:英语写作训练 position feels more attractive, why? 行文语言内容书写 (审格式,审人称,审时态) (预制语块) (定句型) (选择过渡词) (提升作文档次) (作文成型) How to develop a paragraph? Topic sentence Supporting sentence Conclusion sentence ?一般说来, 一个段落由三部分组成: 主题句,, 扩展句利用必要的细节对主题加以论证说明,结论句总结全文,在论证的基础上得出结论. 他们相辅相成,构成一个完整的段落. 有些段落还有过渡句,它起到段与段之间的顺利过渡. ? In my opinion, we had better buy an album for Mr. Li. First, an album is easier to be kept than a tape. A tape may be easily destroyed a few years later and does not work. Second, I think, the photos in the album can easily remind Mr. Li of his lovely students and the good days when he got together with us. 1) 主题句的位置 : 请找出段落的主题句? Albert Einstein, one of the world ’ s greatest scientists, failed in his university entrance exam on his first attempt. William Faulkner, one of America ’ s famous writers, never finished college because he could not pass his English courses. Sir Winston Churchill, who is considered one of the masters of the English language, was very poor in English during middle school. These few examples show that school does not always predict failure in life. ? Karaok, which was invented by a Japanese, one of the greatest wonders of modern technology. Needless to say, Karaok is a good way of rest. You can learn a new song easily. It ’ s also a good way to make your friends happy. Nearly every body has a chance to be a singing star. However, everything has two sides, so does Karaok. It’ s noisy to your neighbors. Besides, if you sing badly, they will feel fortable. In fact, you are sure to make a sound pollution ? 2)写好主题句, 有两条原则? , 句中须有一个词,词组,或从句让读者一目了然本段的确切主题, 明确本段的重点或观点. 例如: This paragraph will talk about birds. 这句作为主题句就太笼统, 不确切. 试比较以下几句, 下列几个主题句就确切地阐明了段落的主题:? a. Birds have a great sense of direction. ? b. Birds are suffering from air-pollution.