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上传人:羹羹 2022/6/9 文件大小:30 KB




立刻就要迎来寒假了,同学们,你们准备怎样度过这个寒假呢?是打算外出旅行?还是在家好好学****呢?出国留学网为大家细心打算了多篇《五hanks a lot. I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, There are beautiful !
I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.
I had a wonderful National Holiday.
Firstly, I finished doing my homework as quickly as I could. Then I reviewed what I learnt and prepared for my new lessons. I also read some interesting books and saw some wonderful movies.

Secondly, I helped my parents do some housework every day. Such as, cleaning the room, making the bed, washing the clothes and so on.
Thirdly, I visited my friends and played table tennis with them, I aslo visited Beijing with my parents and stayed there for three days.
We went to the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and so on. I really had a good time for my holiday.
  【My summer holiday 】
I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things.
I went to the beach and I swam in the called my friend and played with visited my grandparents and ate much deliciou