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上传人:小博士 2022/6/10 文件大小:85 KB





文档介绍:被伤害的尼美舒利管理(Wounded nimesulide management)
A referred to as deadly fever drugs, two adverse reactions of different statifor 6. 22% of tylenol.
In this regard, some industry insiders told times weekly reporter, the so-called international forum for the safety of children's drugs is sponsored by Johnson, the amount of sponsorship of 2 million yuan. This network is called "the mysterious forum" activities, has never appeared over the years, and the meeting of the forum organizers for the Chinese Medical Association and Chinese Medicine International Exchange Center, but when the media call the Chinese Medical Association conference said the other did not organize related meetings, and China Center for Pharmaceutical International Exchange is said to all the meeting5 s in 2010 October has ended.
At the end of the 2010 International Forum on child safety medication, a warning text in the name of child medication safety was passed on to doctors at some major hospitals. The contents are as follows: "in the children's medication safety international forum held recently, the relevant government departments and experts at home and abroad discussed children's medication safety, with one on the event of CCTV and many other
authoritative media, to warn consumers and other components for Ni Mei Shug Leigh children's fever there is a big risk ”
This message is signed, Johnson pharmaceutic


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