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. z.
26. It’s useful suggestion. I like it.
asked, "Who still 42 to swinging his arms"" About 80% of the students raised their hands. 20 days later, Socrates asked. "Who still insist(坚持) on swinging his arms"" About 50% of them 43 their hands. 3 months later, Socrates asked again, "Who still insists on that 44 action of swing"" This time, only one student raised his hand. He was Plato(柏拉图).
Perseverance(坚持不懈) is the simplest yet most difficult thing in the world, because everyone can do it, 45 not everyone will do. Only the one who can hold on a simple thing may make it!
36. A. arms B. legs C. shoulders D. hands
37. A. fact B. result C. time D. fourth
38. A. silently B. quietly C. seriously D. loudly
39. A. even B. very C. more D. too
40. A. Without B. For C. With D. Of
41. A. month B. day C. hour D. minute
. z.
42. A. moves B. rushes D. sticks
43. A. put on B. put off C. put up D. put down
44. A. hardest B. funniest C. simplest D. coolest
45. A. and B. so C. but D. or
Ⅶ. 阅读理解
A boy in his early teens called a number and started to speak with his hand partially over the phone. He wanted to change the tone of his voice. While all this was happening, a man who was working nearby, observed and listened with great interest to the conversation that followed:
"Lady,can you give me a job cutting your lawn (草坪)""
"I already have someone to cut my lawn,"answered the woman at the other end of the phone.
"Lady,I will cut your lawn for half the price."
"No,'m very satisfied with the person who is cutting my lawn."
"Lady,I'll even sweep the floor and the stairs of your house for free,"the boy continued.
"No,thank you."
With a smile on his face,the young boy thanked the lady and hung up the man then walked