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新托福听力分类词汇英英版地质类 (2).doc

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新托福听力分类词汇英英版地质类 (2).doc



active /ˈæktɪv/ adj
【VOLCANO】an active volcano is likely to explode at any time
 The volcano became active last [C] a valuable bright green stone that is often used in jewellery
[U] a bright green color
>emerald adj
erupt /ɪˈrʌpt/ v [I]
if fighting, violence, noise etc erupts, it starts suddenly = break out
 Violence erupted after police shot a student during the demonstration.
 A political row erupted over the MP's comments.
if a volcano erupts, it explodes and sends smoke, fire, and rock into the sky
if a place or situation erupts, there is a sudden increase in activity or emotion
erupt into
 They were angry to the point of erupting into riot.
 Their conversations often erupted into minor squabbles.
erupt into laughter/shouting etc to suddenly start laughing, shouting etc
 He erupted into loud, desperate sobs.
if spots erupt on your body, they suddenly appear on your skin
>eruption /ɪˈrʌpʃən/ n [U and C]
 a volcanic eruption
 the eruption of violence
gem /dʒem/ n [C]
also gem stone a beautiful stone that has been cut into a special shape = jewel
 precious gems
something that is very special or beautiful
 Every single ad in the campaign has been a gem.
 The Fortune is a tiny gem of a theatre.
gem of
 little gems of advice
a very helpful or special person
 Ben, you're a real gem!
jewel /ˈdʒuːəl/ n [C]
a valuable stone, such as a diamond = gem
jewels [plural] jewellery or other objects made with valuable stones and used for decoration
 She loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels.
a very small stone used in the machinery of a watch
something or someone that is very valuable, attractive, or important
 He introduced her to Budapest, a jewel of a city.
the jewel in the crown the best or most valuable part of something
 Puddings are the jewel in the crown of British cookery.
→ crown jewel
crown jewel n [C]
the crown jewels the crown, sword, jewels etc worn by a king or queen for official ceremonies
the best or


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