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上传人:小博士 2022/6/11 文件大小:84 KB





文档介绍:计算机实****计划(Computer Internship Program)
Professional practice is college students really towards social ladder, to enable rise level employees, enterprise personnel system and enhance the development of law and practice of the post and the course of study engagement degree analysis and opinion, in the practice of the post process, the quality of their self assessment, you already have what jobs to adapt to the basic quality and skills, what is insufficient.
professional skills training mainly includes:
Computer network construction: requirements of network structure planning, design, product selection, construction, installation, network debugging and system acceptance of the entire construction process.
The management and application of network maintenance: familiar with network structure optimization, troubleshooting, network security management and program implementation, network application and development of methods and techniques to master the use of various software tools.
Information making and publishing: requires students to master the actual website design process, skilled use of various tools and program design methods, master the skills of web design, website planning and so on.
Computer software and hardware marketing and promotion: the use of computer expertise for practical software or hardware products marketing activities, training students' social adaptabi


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