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文档介绍:谦卑的人有福(阅读答案)(Blessed are the meek)
One of the ancient temple worship created the reason is to express their Creator's hbefore the beggar, to prove that he is a rich man, if he is not humble in the face of world magnificence, he is proved to be a fool.
Humility is beauty. A man with all sorts of evil, and has nothing to do with humility. Humility is a very modest display is calm, people know after Enron, is rushed and Jintuiyuru. Humility does not make you cringe at a higher head. It is the mind clear, in front of the world great beauty woke the joy. Humility makes people glow of beauty, not light nor light with a smile refined and courteous, Yan Yuet, it is a person in the sea after only a friendly, a generous good profit on the occasion of the chest, a third more than material utter innocence Amoy net present. This gesture is extraordinary and impressive.
This is the power of humility.
(author balguy - wilderness)
, combining context, understand the meaning of adding words in the text.
Position: bad conduct:.
, this article is entitled "Blessed is the humble man”. What are the aspects of the article? (3 points)
, the following three lists of characters, humble material, and the painting of the three lines of wave lines correspond. (2 points)
Link materials: A, the Warring States period, Zhao eminence name Lin Xiangru face difficult overbearing generals Lianpo, to avoi


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