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上传人:zhaojr1943 2022/6/12 文件大小:50 KB





文档介绍:Literature Review
B06 英语( 2)班 ×××
In the 18th century, German classic philosopher Baomgahton firstly used the term complexity, the book tells us that the main research of aesthetics since ancient time generally focuses on the following three aspects: aesthetic philosophy, aesthetic psychology and artistic sociology.
As for aesthetic consciousness, this encyclopedia defines it as the reflection of
various aesthetic objects which objectively exist in the world in the people s minds’. Generally speaking, it is also called “sense of beauty”. Sense of beauty has two
meanings, one is broad sense, and the other is narrow sense. Aesthetic consciousness is considered as the broad sense of it, which consists of total aspects and forms of aesthetic activity, for example, aesthetic interest, aesthetic ability, aesthetic concept, aesthetic ideal and aesthetic experience. On the other hand, the narrow sense only refers to aesthetic experience, a complex mixture of different psychological reflections including perception, imagination, comprehension and so forth. Aesthetic experience is the core of people’s aesthetic consciousness.
In this book, the author also introduces the basic two constituents of aesthetic appreciation, that is, aesthetic objects and aesthetic subjects. They are closely related with each other and indispensable to the whole process of aesthetic


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