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上传人:小博士 2022/6/13 文件大小:85 KB





文档介绍:远古任务流程(Ancient task flow)
Since several people in the group have been doing ancient times, the topic of nature will oftcklace:
1: the tower of death summons 14 layers, 4 quests (1 times each)
2: death tower 5, 15, 25, 34, APC, 2 mission props
A stone tower of death and chaos at 3:40 all mage APC out of the 10 tasks
Ideal condition:
The first step, 1 times out of 1, total 4 times, second steps, 1 times out 2, third steps 2 times (in general, the 1 tower can not encounter so many master). A total of 7 tickets, third days to solve the necklace.
Physical truth:
And the ideal about the situation, but the second step may have to brush 1 tower. 2 days to solve.
So far, the ideal situation and the actual situation has been separated by 2 days.
1: death tower, 21 layers and 31 layers of toy soldiers dropped
80 magic strings 2:30 chaotic magic
3: death tower, 21 layers and 31 layers of toy soldiers fall out of the 80 chaotic magic strings
2 quests, props, 1, 25~40
Ideal condition:
2 settlement, 1 steps, 4 tickets to solve. Fourth days out of shoes. (3 tickets for third days, plus 1 tickets for fourth days)
Physical truth:
Under normal circumstances, 1 times more than 30, that is, 3 times, and 6 tickets are 2 days.
1: ruins 5 knights, 5 crystals per person, the difficulty is not limited, (each 0T)
2:50 chaotic magic
3: ruins 5 knights, 100 crystallization,


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