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文档介绍:古代人姓氏由来(The origin of ancient surnames)
Chinese in Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns (before dating backabout5000yearsperson, the night also, the night does not meet, therefore is named by the mouth. " This means that in early social interaction, people met during the day and could identify each other by shape, face, and voice. Once in the evening, you can t see each other clearly. You can only distinguish yourself from yourself by referring to your name. It can be seen that the generation of names is the need of social communication, and its most essential function is to be able to distinguish the individual of others in all occasions of social intercourse. After the emergence of the text, the oral expression of the names have also evolved into the text stage. In the pottery of some primitive societies that have been discovered, there are one or two symbols on it. According to the experts, these symbols are related to the early names. If this explanation is true, then different names are the earliest in our country. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, a large number of Chinese characters appeared and tended to be stereotyped, and a large part of them were also names. As in the Shang Dynasty oracle bones, not only has the "name" of the Chinese characters but also shows, Ren, Ding, C, Xiaoyi names etc. . These are the earliest names of our country in written records. In a wor